90 Days of Scrapping Begins!

I tend to save my scrap pieces of fabric and after many projects, garb, etc.  I am seeing the scrap pile growing larger and taking over my condo.  Some are big - enough for a project.  Some are small - for piecing or just to use as stuffing.  It's about time I tamed the growing pile of scraps and the pile of remnants (1 yd or more) that are threatening to take over my life.

For the next 90 days (or until I run out of scraps (yeah, right!)) I am hoping to make smallish projects to use up these scraps, remnents, trims, in an attempt to reduce the pile of useable fabric.   Smallish projects like draw string bags,  needle cases (with the wools), balls, pilgrim bags(with the larger pieces).

I also have some clothes(mostly mundane) that need mending, recycling, upcycling, adjustments, which can use some of the larger pieces, remnants, trims, what not.  Whatever grabs my attention and inspires me to work on that item(s).  

I am not proposing 90 items/projects in 90 days.  I don't have that much free time.  But some of these projects are small enough that I can work on multiple items at the same time.   

Since today has been a "snow day", another North East'er Snow Storm (Wait, didn't we just have one late last week?) and not really wanting to spend the day hand sewing to finish the side seams and hems of the two smocks I am almost finished with,  I started sorting thru the piles of things in my living room.

Finding things here and there, equipment, needles, hoops, etc, while putting them away or together in one spot (to be dealt with later, I hope).   All the while finding many scraps of fabric placed here and there in piles, boxes, bags.  Hiding.   Out of sight, but taking up space.

After a few sorties into the fray, I ended up putting the smaller pieces in one container.....

The larger pieces into another container....

Found a pile of squares and rectangles set out to become drawstring bags....

Also found this piece of fabric and some ribbon trim:

I felt the need for a quick and easy project.   So, after a few minutes, that become this - a project bag or a nice tapestry hand bag to carry what not while being Chelsey of Gloucester.

Ok, I think I'll tackle that pile of squares for drawstring bags next......


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