Keepers of Athena's Thimble

So, as a member of the Society for Creative Anachronisms (SCA), and living within the Kingdom of the East,  we have guilds.   There are a few regarding the Fiber Arts.   But, this post is about the guild, Keepers of Athena's Thimble.  The embroidery guild.

I'm not so sure what pic's I have on hand immediately on my embroidery, but I'll post a few at the bottom of this post as I find them.  

There are different categories of embroidery.  There are rankings.  You get a bead when you complete a rank of Competency in any one of the categories of embroidery.  You get a pearl to go with your bead when you complete the rank of Period Competency within a category.  Finally, you get a lapis lazuli bead when you achieve an Expert Rank within a category.  There is a lower rank - working knowledge - but you don't get anything for that.  When you have obtained ranking in at least four categories, you become a Journeyman.  

Over the years of being in the SCA, I got involved and earned a few beads....

plus a Working Knowledge in one other category.  Guess that makes me a Journeyman now.  

Now, what I lacked was something to display my earned rank. 

So, I had some stuff...

After a few minutes,  ok, quite a few minutes later,  I had a thing....

I'm not quite sure how I'm going to attach it to most garb I wear, but it should be able to wrap around the straps of my kirtles.   This may require more fiddling at another time, as my experience in working with wire grows.

At least I have something so I won't lose my precious beads!

Oh, in case you're wondering what categories those beads represent, let me see if I can remember them....  

Going right to left:

Mother of pearl - Canvaswork
Onyx - Pleated Work
Amber - Needlelace
Smokey Topaz - Applique
Green Agate - Metal Work

Hmmm, it appears I have failed to take pictures of my work for embroidery.  
However, you can find some needlelace in my blog post on the Florentine Gown I recently made.   

Thank you for reading.

Have fun!

aka Chelsey of Gloucester (SCA name)


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