#90DaysofScraping ! March Tally

Ok, let's sum up a wee bit.   

Last time I showed you the large pile scraps:

And the container of smaller scraps:

Well, I went through the small scraps bucket and with some pattern pieces for making some small balls, weeded out suitable fabric, cut out pieces for the balls, and put the even smaller scraps into a bag.  I thought I would use those for stuffing the balls.  

Thus I ended up with this:

and these:

Some of which became this:

Which did use up every single scrap in the tiny scraps bag to stuff that with.  Which got me to thinking, woah, how am I going to stuff all the balls I have pieces cut out for?   Then I remembered the leather bottle I made (A Canton of the Towers project) and that I saved the barley that was used to stuff the leather bottle during the stretching stage, and I thought I may have some fiberfill leftover stashed in the craft room.

So, I did a little digging and found the barley and the fiberfill:

Whew!  At least a few more balls can get stuffed!  With the barley, a few will become "bean bag/balls".  Which gets me thinking of other althernative stuffing items .........  but I digress.  That will be a topic for another post.

Now, remember this pile?

Some of which became these:

Now, that pile has grown a little larger since I took that picture.  I haven't taken a recent picture yet. I have a few needing to be strung.  Mind you, I still haven't even reached the bottom of the pile of squares to become bags yet!  

Although, I have been taking a second look at some of the white linen squares and rethinking about whether or not I want to make a bag out of them or use them to practice some pulled-thread embroidery and make handkerchiefs, or a chalice cover, if they end up on the smallish side.

Meanwhile, I'm continuing to use up leftover thread from spools of thread I know I'm never going to use again.  Then last night, I went through the small scraps bucket again, seriously looking at the size of the pieces, getting some ideas, and chopping up pieces I know won't work with any other project, refilling the ting scrap bag to become stuffing for the next ball I make.

Oh, I need to run now.   It's Easter!   So, Everyone have a Happy Easter!


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