The Headpiece for the Tudor Gown (from Golden Seamstress Challenge)

I didn't have time to make a fancy headpiece during the Golden Seamstress Challenge last April (4/08/2017).

I originally planned to make a gabled hood, similar to this.  

But, after getting a copy of "The Tudor Tailor" and "Patterns of Fashion 3",  I decided on the French Hood instead - similar to this.

I had plenty of the Embroidered Italian Silk I used for the outer gown on my Tudor Outfit, so, doing some research on what materials were needed from "The Tudor Tailor", compared to what I had on hand, made some decisions, then off I started. 

Before long I had something that looked like this:

I had plenty of pearls leftover from the GS Challenge, and I had some smaller pearls as well in stock, and I also had some round amethyst beads from a watch band that broke ages ago. (I tend to save beads from things in case I need them for a project in the future.)    Since the undergown, or Kirtle, is purple, I had no qualms about using the amethysts in the "BLING" for this hood.

So, more work, and later I had this:

I was finished with it for now.  I love the black hanging down the back.  It can hide hair.  It took a few tries to work my hair and the hood so it doesn't fall so far back from the forehead.  With putting a bun on the very top of my head (instead of the back where I normally keep it), it does keep the hood more towards the forehead hairline than where you see it now.

Oh, did I say how much I LOVE the BLING on this??!!??

I wore the hood for the first time to Yule 2017 in BBM.  Along with the GS Gown, after some tweaking.   Sometimes you just need to wear something for a day, or two, to determine if more "tweaking" is needed.   This is the event my farthingdale fell apart.  Whoops!

After more tweaking of the gown, I wore the complete ensemble to K&Q's A&S Challenge. (No, I was not a challenger,  I went to learn about the challenge.) Sadly, without a farthingale - which I realized, I really do need one with this gown as I tend to keep tripping over the hems of my skirts.  So, moving the farthgale  further up the "to do" list of projects. 

You may notice the small loop of beads sticking out off the sides.  On one side, I noticed it had a tendency to come undone.   So, I "tweaked" the hood a bit, following the advise of a kind Gentle, who loved the whole effect.

It now looks like this - waiting for the next event I decide to go all out in my finery.

There, that's it for this project.

A nice short read, for once!

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Thanks again for reading this far.


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