Getting Ready for 2014

Not quite there yet, but am busy plotting, planning what I want to accomplish in 2014.  Goals are not quite set, I usually do those on New Year's Eve.

One thing I plan on doing is to post here once per week.   During that post I plan to update on various topics any progress made during the week.

The topics I am choosing are:

A:The Pantry Challenge Update:  The Pantry challenge is to feed myself for the week using only what's in my cupboard, plus one shopping trip per week limited to $25 spending.   Plus, every other week I receive my share in an organic co-op of vegetables.   The Pantry Challenge topic also includes my progress as I lose weight and get my blood sugar down and myself out of the pre-diabetic condition.   And whether or not I managed to avoid the "forbidden 9"  - potatoes, rice, pasta, bread, cereal, dairy, sugar, alcohol, fruit - except one apple per day or 1/2 cup berries - for the diet plan I am following.  This Diet Plan has these forbidden 9 items that I must stay away from until I have lost most of the weight I need to lose.  Then some of them will be reintroduced in a controlled manner to see whether or not that food affects my weight/weight loss.   Hopefully, I will break my sugar addiction during 2014.

B:HPKCHC Crafting: Knitting, crocheting, spinning, dyeing, any craft allowed that will help me earn points for this "Game" situated in the Harry Potter World for my house - currently: SLYTHERIN.   The goal is to reduce my stash of these craft supplies while making items of clothing for myself or other items as gifts for my family for Christmas.  I already have a few ideas for next Christmas.

C:Other Crafting: (when not allowed in the HPKCHC game):  tatting, sewing, painting, embroidery, etc.   This goal is also to reduce my fabric stash while creating new clothes for my wardrobe - modern and period.  I love period clothes - Regency, Elizabethan/Medieval, maybe take a step into Victorian.   Period clothes with modern fabrics that I can wear everyday to werk (aka work).  Clothes will not be the only things I will make - some gifts and other objects will be included in this category.

D:Etsy/Ebay Business:  I have an Etsy Shop and I sell stuff on Ebay.  Updating once per week on this topic will help me continue to work on inventory, updating listings of stuff for sale.   For Ebay:  I look for inventory that I can sell, and plan to sell off stuff lying around the house to free up space.  For Etsy: to make new items and sell off to help support my crafting hobbies.  The overall goal with this is to supplement my income, with all the budget cuts since where I work is dependent on state and federal grants, I could be out of a job at some point.  Though I do bookkeeping on the side, it's nice to have back-up income.

E:Random Randomness :  all else that doesn't fit in the above categories.

Within the crafting categories: things will be broken down futher as to
1) Completed projects during the week - which may include pictures, if not gift items.
2) Works in progress
3) Plots - plans for projects to be started in the next week.

I realize I don't have a large readership, and most of what I say is just going out into the beyond, but posting this will hold me accountable as I strive for my goals.

Most of this past week, and up until the 1st, I've been organizing, tossing, crafting, cleaning.   Ding!  there goes the timer.  Yes I use a timer.  It keeps me on my toes as I move from one place to another.

Till next week!



Unknown said…
Making a list is always a great idea. It can help remind you of the things you should do and also keep you focused on your goals, particularly when it comes to your business. In my opinion, it's the part that is quite difficult to handle. It’s a good thing that you do all the bookkeeping. At the very least, you can keep track of your business’s income and inventory, and take those into account when planning your next step.

Rebecca Cross @ Advanced Accounts

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