PreChristmas Randomness


Wow.  Another year has flown by.   Ouch.

It's almost that time of year to review goals made, how well did we do, and what goals you want for the next year.  That will not be this post.   But,a good topic for another night - AFTER christmas.

This year is the year I have been pre-diabetic.  Thankfully, I've been able to maintain my weight (been bouncing within the same 5 lbs all year) avoiding the daily prick testing and meds.   Now, I'm starting to get my head wrapped around the idea that maybe, finally, it's time to get serious about weight loss.  My kitchen is pretty much void of the nasty stuff, but to start a weight loss plan at this time of year is just plain foolishness.   All I can hope for is to become better at making better food choices and limiting the quantity I eat.  No gorging until beyond stuffed.    The main problems I have with weight loss:

1) I'm ADDICTED to SUGAR - cakes, candy, ice cream.
2) I have a hard time figuring out WHEN I am FULL.  
3) What do you mean I can't eat that anymore?  I LOVE that (insert food here)!
4) I can only eat XXXX calories?  THat's not enough!!  I'm still hungry!

Well, I can go on, maybe.  But those four seem to sum up my major problems that tend to make me go off track.    I start a program,  last 2 - 3 weeks, lose about 5 pounds, then something triggers a binge and next thing I know, I've gained those 5 pounds back.

The main triggers that I have identified so far are:

1) STRESS - dealing with certain people on a certain program at werk.
2) BOREDOM - all kinds.  

Preventing the triggers from happening, especially the first one is going to be impossible, so I need to work on developing ways to divert myself from reaching for food for relief instead.

Which brings me back to my getting my head wrapped around the idea.  One needs to have their head "in the game" and "committed", or it will be another round of 2 -3 weeks, lose 5 pounds, then binge.

So, I have found a program with some exercises that require serious thought.   A re-training of the mind.  When I do this, I'll do that instead of reaching for food.   Identifying triggers.  Identifying negative power images.  Identifying positive power images.  Identifying Toxic/Treasured Foods.  How to avoid the Toxic foods by associating them with a negative power image to help eliminate the cravings for the toxic foods.  Also, Identifying Toxic/Treasured Relationships.
Toxic relationships are the ones that tend to sabotage your weight loss attempts, and Treasured relationships are the ones that help you stay the course.  Then Identifying Toxic/Treasured Situations.   And so forth.   Exercises to help you get and keep your mind focused on weight loss success.

Randomness..... believe  it or not, that wasn't exactly the topic I wanted to share, but that is what came out.    One of the exercises was to share the committment with at least 3 others, who would help me stay committed.  
So, I've been prepping my kitchen, house, and mind to clean the toxics from my food, kitchen, and body to help me lose weight.

Speaking of cleaning..... I've been sorting through my clothes this weekend.  I'm running out of space and decided to put away the springy/summer clothes to make room for some new winter clothes.   I decided my wardrobe needed some sprucing.   While rummageing through the closet, I also took out and placed in a bag to donate out as I really have not worn that item of clothing in a long while and didn't really "love" the way I looked when I wore it last - which is why it's been languishing in the closet.   Time to free them to a new home and free up space in my closet for clothing that I will love wearing and will make me feel beautiful about myself.

I also removed the oldest and rattiest of the tee-shirts to the rag bag.  Eventually, I'll be replacing them with my wardrobe replenishment plan.
My nutritionist suggested that instead of reaching for food when I'm stressed, down, etc,  to go buy myself a new pair of earrings.... you know, retail therapy?
I really don't wear jewelry that much so that suggestion seemed more like a waste of money, but then,  I do need to replace clothes, so..... an idea is forming.   I'm also hoping to work in a reward system for weight loss - so many pounds lost, I can buy a tee-shirt, outfit, etc.  Gotta work on the details. 

I'm believing that 2014 is going to be the year I swap out bad habits for better ones.   I have a few bad habits I need to replace with better ones.

Now, I really should go through and see about getting the Christmas presents sorted out and wrapped.   Oh wait,  I still have a few I'm still waiting to be delivered.   Hopefully, they will show up tomorrow.

Later peeps.


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