Mid April Check - in #90DaysofScrapping!


Just thought I would catch up with what's been going on during my Scrap Quest as I transition from Tax Season to Uber driving.    Craft time still remains a wee bit limited.   I do need to earn money to pay the bills and save up for my ultimate project - a tiny tudor house to go to wars and long weekend events.

So, Let's get started!


has grown into this:

Hmmmm,  there may be a bag or two hiding underneath others.

There isn't much left to that pile of squares/rectangles I had set aside to make drawstring bags out of.  Those that do are telling me to turn them into something else.  What?  At this time, I'm not sure.  But that pile has grown considerably smaller.

Then there was this:

That grew into these:

The smaller ones are stuffed with barley I had saved from a leather bottle making project done as a Canton project.   The other large one used some leftover fiberfill I had found in my stash.    I still have barley for more smaller ones, more fiberfill for larger ones, and I need more pieces of a wider selection of fabrics to make more balls.   So, I'll be going thru the scrap piles again. 

Then there was Coronation.   I had a bit of a wardrobe malfunction as my "pin-on" sleeves would not stay pinned on.   I forgot to use safety pins underneath first, then the fancy glass bead pin for decoration on top.  The smock I was wearing had loose sleeves and the edges kept dipping into stuff while obtaining food from the dayboard, and then again while trying to eat at the table.   So, I decided to add some cuffs to the sleeves.  A smallish, quick project to get the juices flowing to work on.

I found some white linen in the small scrap pile that was just large enough to cut out these:

Which quickly worked up into this:

Then this:

Oh!  Notice the little pin cushion there?   I received that for teaching a class on Oya Lace Making at Hrim Schola last month!  It really comes in handy when hand sewing.

Finally, I have finished cuffs on my sleeves!

Now, no more dragging the edges of my sleeves through food trays.

After finishing that little project, I got around to hemming one of the two smocks I had going in progress - and that smock is now finished.   I have one smock left to finish the side seams and hem.  

At the Canton of the Towers Project Day last week, we looked at different patterns for Pilgrim bags.   I left there with a few patterns, and lots of ideas for my scrap pile.   I need to do a bit of housekeeping and put some stuff away or at least get it organized (again - it is a continual process as stuff gets shifted around almost daily) and clear a space large enough to do some fabric cutting.  

Maybe next weekend.  There is this large square of linen calling my name to do some pulled thread hemming on the edges.  And my Etsy shop is calling my name to work on some item listings to replace things that have recently sold!

Oh, if you haven't checked out my shop you can go here:


Especially, if you are a spinner!   

Thanks for reading!

aka Chelsey


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