Hello! I'm still Alive!

Hello All.

Wow, amazed this is still here as I reclaim my blog.     I do admit, I have not been that faithful to my blog.   That may be indicative of how my mind processes things.   Sometimes, I feel that no one reads this blog, so I don't bother with regular updates.   Then I forgot about it.

Recently, at a discussion on other things, one reason surfaced on why I should continue to keep my blog.   Even though I may not feel like anyone is reading it,  it is one way I can record certain things,  show process pictures, etc.

I have become more active in the SCA and pretty much haven't been to Ravelry in quite some time now.   My yarn stash has been held stable.   

Over the next few days,  I'll try to start posting pictures on various projects I have done, working on to get things caught up.

I'm still living in my condo - can't believe I've been there 6 years!  Has it been that long?

Still working in Chelsea- entering my 16th year there.   My VITA site has just completed it's 11th season!   Always looking for volunteers to help prepare tax returns.   The more volunteers I have, the more clients we can serve.   With nonprofits,  it's all about the number of clients we serve in our various programs, the more clients, the better the program is doing, and the better funding we can get.

I need to figure out if I can still post pictures........  Let me end this post with an experimental pic post.

hmmm, the pic I wanted to share isn't going to work.

I'll go figure this all out later.

Stay tuned.

aka Chelsey of Gloucester (SCA)


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