It's That Time of Year Again! Where have I been!

Again, I realize I've neglected my poor suffering blog.   Where has the time gone?  What have I been doing? 

It seems that when we are young, time seems to crawl.   For the last day of school.  But then suddenly it's the last day of summer and back to school we go.
As adults, we go about our busy daily routines, then suddenly we wonder where did the year go?   The older we get, the faster the years fly by!

It's that time of year again.   The time that usually sends me into a tailspin depression.   But not so much this year.   I seem to finally have  a handle on that.

Yeah, it sucks that the year flew by and I'm wondering  WTF?  So, where have I been and where am I going?

As far as my crafting has gone,  It's been quite a productive period since my last post.    I've challenged myself in both knitting and spinning endeavors.

I've been a member of that knitting/crochet online community known as Ravelry.  ( for some time now.  Yikes!  Since 2008?   For the last two years I've been a member of the HPKCHC Group/Game (Harry Potter Knitting Crochet House Cup - challenge).   We are sorted into four houses and we craft with our needles, hooks, looms and wheels to earn our houses points to win the House Cup!  We turn our projects into classes - making sure we choose a project that fits the "lesson" of that month for that class to earn points.   We work on OWLs.  We work on NEWTs.  We also have OotP BROOM's to work on.   Not to forget Quidditch.

The basic rule of thumb for projects, the really quick stuff is usually for Quidditch. 
If a project takes less than one month to complete, we turn it in for a class.  
If a project takes 4 - 6 weeks - call it a BROOM for the Order of the Phoenix. 
If a project takes 8 - 12 weeks - call it an OWL and go for the glory.
if a project takes 12 - 16 weeks, call it a NEWT and go insane.

I have not completed a NEWT as yet, but I have completed 5 OWLS. 
#1: Arithmancy - the completion of my Grandmother legacy blankets.

Well, that's a photo of my last month of the "term" or "School year" with Hogwarts when I completed my Arithmancy OWL (featured on the right hand side of the slide).

#2 Ancient Runes - chart reading.  "Veil of Isis"  This was a nasty piece of work, but beautiful when done.

#3 Astrology - An Interpretation of our Solar System in fiber - More of a fiber prep/spin OWL.  


Sun, Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Saturn, Jupiter, Uranus & Neptune 
#4 DADA (Defense Against the Dark Arts) Cruciatus Curse option  "Shipwreck"  another nasty piece of work - this pattern was a knit along with several members of my house all doing this pattern at the same time.   Not all of us used the same OWL category or option.   But we got stunning results - here is mine:

#5 Herbology - Spinning plant fiber option.    A while ago in 2012, a bunch of us "students" all went on a field trip to WEBS - THE Yarn store out in Northhampton MA.    I bought roughly one pound of Flax fiber roving.   So, I spent this last term spinning it up.  I got over 800 yards of 2 ply linen. 

Each of these projects were challenging and I learned many things along the way.  Mind you, I'm not going to post all the classes or quidditch - and since BROOMs (Basic Request Order Operations Mission) were introduced only 3or 4  terms ago, I did manage to pull off 3.

BROOM#1: Citron - the story went something along the lines of negotiating with Gyspies  

BROOM#2: Clapotis - the story line went something along the lines of something warm to cover the neck while patroling the Forbidden Forest

BROOM#3: Sugar Bear Hooded Cardigan - the story line went something along the lines of working in the Ministry Accidental Department and I had to sort out a couple of kids that turned each other into teddy bears.
hmmmmm, Dear sister of mine, I hope you don't read this before Christmas!  Oh well, I hope that nephew of mine will love it anyways.  (Yes, this is one of many things I knitted up for my nephew for Christmas this year.)
Well, that kinda brings us up to date on where I have been.   Now, tune in for part two later - Where am I going?    


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