New Year "Intentions"

Over on Ravelry, they are talking about "intentions" rather than "resolutions". So, letting things set in...... Here are some of my "intentions" and plans for the New Year.

Condo Purchase: (Yes, I'm buying a condo! ) though currently stalled, will need an extension for obtaining financing. Hoping to close in January, do some work - new carpets, painting, etc. and hoping to move in by end of February. That will put the move right smack in the middle of tax season! Heaven help me:

It's a two story loft design in an old factory building. I've been in love with these condos since the first open house. Now I have a chance of getting in. With a new coat of paint, fresh carpets, two bedrooms, and some new appliances, it should be a nice home to live and work in for years to come.

Since it has two bedrooms, I'm turning the second bedroom into my "studio" space, so I will no longer be renting out the current studio space. Then I'll be able to hold all my stuff in one room for "play", and keep the mess out of the rest of the house.

I'll also be able to work on finances this year, getting out of debt. I'm also thinking some new furniture, but not too much. In fact, there are pieces I currently have that I am not planning on bringing over with me. I need to cut down on the quantity of STUFF I currently have. I may put off furniture purchases until I've been living there for a little bit. See how minimalistic I can get.

The one piece I may get is a new computer desk - very minimalistic looking as well!

So, Based on all that - I'd like to list my "INTENTIONS" for the new year:

1) Complete purchase of Condo
2) Complete the painting and carpet purchases
3) Be moved in by end of February?
4) Continue to work my projects from stash
5) Have my second fleece cleaned and washed before the move.
6) Reduce by either selling, or donating unwanted stuff
7) Work on stabilizing my finances to absorb the new mortgage payment & condo fees
8) Work on reducing all other debt and bills to only what's necessary
9) Build back up savings - will need a larger emergency fund for the condo

If I list anymore, I may go into "overload" mode and not get anything done.

May 2010 be a better year than 2009!


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