Legacy or Inheritance

It seems I've picked up the family "legacy" regarding knitting and crocheting. My grandmother taught me as a little girl, first how to crochet, then knit. I knitted hats, knitted mittens, crochets granny squares into afghans. Instead of candy for Valentines or Easter, I got yarn - in the colors I was using for the afghan I was crocheting.

Later in life, I moved on to sweaters. Well, to be honest, I've only done - 7 (Seven) sweaters total.

As time goes on, and you can't stop it, I lost my grandmother - who died very peacefully in her sleep. By I have her legacy in me - knowledge of how to knit and crochet.

I also inherited her circular needles, and pattern books. OMG! I've got a large flat storage bin under my bed full of pattern books. Some must go back to the 50's and 60's. They are interesting to look at. As they say, fashions do come back into style. Take an old pattern with a fresh new yarn - presto!

I also inherited one of her WIP's (that's Work In Progress for the non-knitting folks who may be reading this.) A strip afghan of knitted strips. Mind you, it took me quite awhile to find the pattern she was usning for these strips, so I started knitting up strips to complete the afghan.

Then discovered something. She had completed 5 strips. But there were 3 THREE different LENGTHS!! Some were longer than others. Oh boy! So, I broke the yarn (hers, mine - that went with the color scheme) and broke the one afghan into four. Yes - Four! That would be one for each of my siblings and one for me.

This is gonna take some time. This is the first completed one:

Two of the strips in this one were knitted by my grandmother. One is yarn from her stash. The others were done by me from my stash.

Recently, as part of an "olympic knitting event" called "Ravelympics" by members of an online community of knitters, crocheters, and spinners, I got started in the second one.
Didn't get too far, but here is what was assembled for #2.

Turns out, one of the deep red skeins, wasn't enough for a strip. I'm currently halfway done with the second strip with the other deep red.

Turns out I had a brain fart. Instead of knitting each strip individually, I can try to knit 2 or more together. It may not save any time, but as least I will feel like I'm getting further along than I am, and I won't have to seem those seems.

Now, the other two strips for the remaining afghans from this project are hibernating. And I would prefer to let sleeping dogs lie. If the knitting experiment works, I'll get back to you.

But for now.



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