
Showing posts from December, 2012

It's That Time of Year Again! Where have I been!

Again, I realize I've neglected my poor suffering blog.   Where has the time gone?  What have I been doing?  It seems that when we are young, time seems to crawl.   For the last day of school.  But then suddenly it's the last day of summer and back to school we go. As adults, we go about our busy daily routines, then suddenly we wonder where did the year go?   The older we get, the faster the years fly by! It's that time of year again.   The time that usually sends me into a tailspin depression.   But not so much this year.   I seem to finally have  a handle on that. Yeah, it sucks that the year flew by and I'm wondering  WTF?  So, where have I been and where am I going? As far as my crafting has gone,  It's been quite a productive period since my last post.    I've challenged myself in both knitting and spinning endeavors. I've been a member of that knitting/crochet ...