
Showing posts from 2009

Life inspires Art

Back in May,I was on Vacation and visited my brother out in Seattle. We took a trip to Victoria, British Columbia. From there a lovely bus ride up to see the Butchart Gardens. Took a ton of pictures of the flowers. Including this one: Then I got in a drawing mood and with colored pencils drew this "painting": I need to practice drawing, but my fellow students in the class I take thought it was a very nice piece. Just thought I'd share how one gets inspired.

The Magnolia Art Show

For the past three years, I've been entering my art projects hoping to either a) win a ribbon, of b) sell a piece of artwork. (Now I'm having trouble moving pictures around here, but at least the years uploaded together.) Now this first photo is one of the vases I entered in my second year (2008). Notice the unframed, unmatted drawing above the vase that got an honorable mention! All the artists were questioning that decision! Alas, I saw neither sales or ribbons in 2008. This is the second of three pieces, another vase or chalice. This one is my favorite of the three - I call it "Pandora's Box" because when you open it, you'll see (the word) Hope! This is the only one from the first year that was worth sharing. It ended up being a wedding present to my sister. The other two entries from that year have been trashed. Ah! Now we get to the 2009 show pieces. Another large vase named "Watermelon" ...

Magnolia Sunrise

It's been awhile. Tax season. Eats up alot of my free time and then some. Anyway, back to spinning and carding and blending yummy colors! I'm calling this blend - Magnolia Sunrise: Starts with these colors: Coming off the carder all blended: How it's shaping up on the wheel: Indian plied and all shanked up: The final product: Yummy! Need to make more for a project or something.

Christmas is Finally Over!

I guess it's safe to post pics of the xmas gifts I knitted for family. They know about the blog, but not sure if they ever peeked. So to play it safe, I withheld the pics until now. For my mom - using up leftovers from other projects: Yeah, my mom is into pigs - so piggy mittens! Whether she actually uses them or not, I don't care. She did squeal and said she liked them, so they are now part of her collection. I had a request from my sister - I did want to try to knit a sweater for her husband from my homespun, but he seems to have an allergic reaction to wearing 100% wool. She did ask for something to cover her shoulders to wear at work - she gets cold, and wanted something kinda "stylish". I chose this pattern, and undyed wool and did this: She also squealed and put it on - for a little while. She had layers on and didn't need the extra warmth, but it did fit well. My sister is IN to thank you cards as well. At least someone appreciates homespun hand knit ...